The RCR (Ruby Change Request) process has been reorganized and restarted, as of November 2006. The emphasis is now on the development of Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0.
Therefore, please:
The new RCR process is organized as follows:
As a visitor, you can see RCRs and the associated comments (from the email list). However, you have to become a member if you want to submit RCRs or participate in discussions about them.
To become a member, you just need to sign up. You'll get confirmation instructions by email.
Once you've joined RCRchive, you can submit one or more RCRs. There's a navigation bar with a link to the form on the main page.
It is very important that you also read the guidelines on submitting RCRs before you submit an RCR.
Further help on submitting RCRs is available
Each RCR has its own separate mailing list. As an RCRchive member, you can subscribe to one or more of these lists. There are subscribe/unsubscribe buttons next to the RCRs listed on the top page.
As a subscriber, you'll get all the email comments about the RCR, and you'll also get notification when a new revision is posted. You can also choose to receive all comments for all RCRs. Click on the "Your account" link on the navigation bar to see the options.
If you subscribe to a particular RCR, you can edit the actual text of the RCR and submit your changes. Remember that discussion takes place by email; don't turn the RCR text itself into a discussion area. You should only be changing it if you have something of substance to correct or add. Do not change an RCR simply because you don't approve of it.
Copyright © 2006, Ruby Power and Light, LLC