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RCR 211: Normalize filenames before requiring them

Submitted by Paul Brannan (Mon Feb 09 15:02:05 UTC 2004)


Filenames should be normalized before the file is required. Otherwise, requiring files by two different names will result in the file being loaded twice.


Consider the following code:

  puts "a"</pre>

  require 'a'
  puts "b"</pre>

  require './a'
  require './b'</pre>

This will print:


because a.rb is loaded first by the name 'a.rb' and then by the name './a.rb'. This is probably not what is intended, and the only workarounds are:

The above code is probably not a good idea to begin with (requring files from the current directory is bad, in case the user runs from a different directory than expected), but it is a simple way to demonstrate the problem.


The require method should be changed to:
  1. Find the file to require by searching the search path
  2. Expand the pathanme of the file being required by using File#expand_path
  3. Determine if the resulting pathname refers to a symlink; if it does, then read the link and go back to step 2.


This should make it possible to require a file by two different names without problems. It also allows the user to require a symlink and the real file, and the file will only be loaded once.


Sample Ruby code that does this:

def find_file_in_path(file, path=$:, extensions=['', '.so', '.rb'])
  path.each do |dir|
    pathname = File.join(dir, file)
    extensions.each do |ext|
      filename = pathname + ext
      if File.exists?(filename) then
        return File.expand_path(filename)
  return file

def realpath(file)
  if not File.respond_to?(:readlink) then
    return file
  total = ''
  File.expand_path(file).split(File::SEPARATOR).each do |piece|
    next if piece == ""
    if File.symlink?(total + File::SEPARATOR + piece) then
      total += File::SEPARATOR + piece
        total =  File.expand_path(
      end while File.symlink?(total)
      total << File::SEPARATOR + piece
  return total

$__old_require__ = method(:require)
def require(file)
  file_to_require = find_file_in_path(file)

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Comments Current voting

I'd also like to see __FILE__ normalised in this way. While researching an RCR that I'm preparing, I found the following:

I have C:/home/x/x.rb:

  require "y/x.rb"
  puts "In x.rb, __FILE__ = #{FILE}"

I also have C:/home/x/y/x.rb:

  puts "In y/x.rb, __FILE__ = #{FILE}"

If I run from C:/home/x, I get:

  In y/x.rb, __FILE__ = ./y/x.rb 
  In x.rb, __FILE__ = \C:/home/x/x.rb 

Changing the require in C:/home/x/x.rb to "x/y/x.rb" and running from C:/home, I get:

  In y/x.rb, __FILE__ = ./x/y/x.rb 
  In x.rb, __FILE__ = \C:/home/x/x.rb 

Restoring the require to "y/x.rb" and running from C:/home with "ruby -Ic:/home/x" shows:

  In y/x.rb, __FILE__ = x/y/x.rb 
  In x.rb, __FILE__ = x/x.rb 

Same, but from C:\Windows ("ruby -I\home\x \home\x\x.rb"):

  In y/x.rb, __FILE__ = \home\x/y/x.rb 
  In x.rb, __FILE__ = /home/x/x.rb 

This seems a bit ... ugly. I'm not completely sure that __FILE__ itself should be fully resolved, but it seems that there's something odd here.


The API for "require" is

  require <feature>

not .

Although the implementation concatenate the feature name and path in $LOAD_PATH variable to find loading library file, it does not stop being feature name. When you require two libraries "a" and "./a", they might be different just because you're requiring two different features.

But I'm going to store full path used to load a library in the $" variable (but no normalization), to implement requiring libraries relative from __FILE__.

-- matz.

Strongly opposed 0
Opposed 0
Neutral 0
In favor 4
Strongly advocate 6
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