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RCR 292: (Unbound)Method#origin and #name and Method#target

Submitted by flgr (Mon Feb 14 21:02:06 UTC 2005)


It's sometimes necessary to go back from a (Unbound)Method object to the place (Module, Class or singleton class) where it and its name when it was defined. This would allow that.


Refering to the origin and name of a (Unbound)Method can for example be important when you want to add meta information to those objects that is queried from the Class/Module where it was defined.

I can not think of an actual sample of what Method#target could be used for right now, but I think it would not hurt to add it either. It's the one that could be removed from this RCR most easily.


Add (Unbound)Method#origin and #name and Method#target. #name might be renamed to #original_name if that makes more sense.

The effort to implement this ought to be fairly low as the structs already contain the information anyway. (UnboundMethod#inspect uses it.)

#origin would return the Class or Module where the (Unbound)Method was originally defined. #name would return the original method name as either a String or Symbol. (I prefer Symbol) #target would return the bind target -- the Object the Method is bound to.


Currently could be emulated by doing method.inspect[/\A.+[.#](.+?)\Z/, 1], but that is quite wordy.

It's not so easy with method.origin -- it can be done in case the origin was not an anonymous Module or Class, but it requires a bit more Regexp work and using the module_name.split("::").inject(Object) { |mod, item| mod.const_get(item) } trick.

Method#target can not be implemented at all in pure Ruby as far as I know.

In the proposal I mentioned possibly renaming #name to #original_name -- this is because the #name might already be reused for another method at the time the call is made or not be used at all. See this code sample for when this would happen:

  class Foo
    def x() 1 end
  old_x = Foo.instance_method(:x)
  class Foo
    remove_method :x
    # still returns :x, but old_x.origin.instance_method( raises an Exception
    def x() 2 end
    # still returns :x, but old_x.origin.instance_method( != old_x.bind(obj).call


I don't think that the behavior is much of a problem when pointed out in the documentation, but I thought pointing it out would be a good idea.


I implemented bits of it in Ruby already in the Analysis, but I think a complete Ruby implementation is only possible with EvilRuby style tricks.
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Comments Current voting
Perhaps #__name__, to correspond to #__id__ and #__send__ as "core" names? -- AustinZ.

The Object#__id__ and Object#__send__ methods are named that way because of the enourmously dense namespace they inhabit. For instance, an object representing an XML element might want to define an #id method, and an object representing a network socket might want to define #send. I see no point in using the name Method#__name__, since we don't expect people to subclass Method and define a #name method of their own. It would make about as much sense as Module#__define_method__, Proc#__call__, or even String#__split__.

Could someone explain these better. Primarily what is #target?

#target simply returns the object the method is bound to. 5.method(:+).target would return 5.

Yes, so if we: a = b = a.method: name => would return the object that 'a' points to. b.origin => would return Klass.

++ On this one! I logged into RCR to suggest the exact same thing in fact :-p.

I've implemented these methods in Nodewrap. Here's the relevant C implementation. Method#target corresponds to method_receiver, Method#name corresponds to either method_id or method_oid (depending on whether you want the current or original name), and Method#origin corresponds to method_origin_class:

   * Given a Method, returns the Object to which it is bound.
  static VALUE method_receiver(VALUE method)
    struct METHOD * m;
    Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, m);
    return m->recv;
   * Given a Method, returns the Symbol of the method it represents.  If
   * the method is an alias for another method, returns the Symbol of the
   * new method, not the original.  If the method changes name, returns
   * the original name, not the new name.
  static VALUE method_id(VALUE method)
    struct METHOD * m;
    Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, m);
    return ID2SYM(m->id);
   * Given a Method, returns the Symbol of the method it represents.  If
   * the method is an alias for another method, returns the Symbol of the
   * original method, not the alias.  If the original method changes name,
   * returns the original name.
  static VALUE method_oid(VALUE method)
    struct METHOD * m;
    Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, m);
    return ID2SYM(m->oid);
   * Given a Method, returns the Class in which the method it represents
   * was defined.  If the method was defined in a base class and
   * Object#method is called on a derived instance of that base class,
   * this method returns the base class.
  static VALUE method_origin_class(VALUE method)
    struct METHOD * m;
    Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, m);
    return m->oklass;
    return m->rklass;

-- Paul Brannan

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In favor 8
Strongly advocate 1
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